Friday 20 February 2015

On preparing for baby #2

Because this whole thing kinda jumped up and bit us in the arse we've had to rethink a few things.

Well, we probably should but the reality is in terms of stuff around the house we've pretty much done nothing.  While I'm sure there are things to be done and problems to be solved I'm good with just having a place for the baby to sleep.*

And I cleaned out the freezer.  I'm happy about that.  I found frozen meals in there from 2013.  Now I have room to do the only other prep job I can wrap my brain around - frozen meals for the first couple of weeks.  One thing I learned from last time is that it's good to be organised early to minimise stress if the baby is early.  I also learned that while I managed a few days in my first week home feeling like a proper good housewife, that didn't last long.  So while I did manage to cook a roast meal in my first week home from the birthing units, soon I was a frazzled, paranoid, sleep deprived Mum with little time or energy to cook.  And this time around I'll have a toddler in tow.

Which is the main area we're looking for preparation in - getting Etta prepared for the thing that will alter her life beyond all other things - a younger sibling.

What is really awesome about toddlers is that you can tell them outrageous and abstract things and they don't need you to qualify it - they simply believe you.  We told Etta quite some time ago that there was a baby growing in Mummy's tummy.  And even though she can't see the baby she completely believes us and consequently talks to it, and cuddles it and asks if 'bubba's moving'.  It's very sweet.  She isn't old enough (and doesn't care enough) at 21 months to ask how it got there, or how/if/when it will get out which makes things nice and simple.  The only thing we've had to explain is that not everyone has babies in their tummy, and that all that is in her tummy currently is food (and maybe some rocks).

There was an awesome thread on the Mummy's forum I follow about things to do to prep an older sibling for the arrival of the new one.  It was so good I pinched some ideas from it which inspired other ideas.  The coolest one being I've made up a book using altered images of us about what will happen immediately when the baby decides to arrive.

It runs through what might happen in early labour, who will look after her while we 'get the baby out' and what may happen immediately after (Mummy might have to stay in hospital - important to explain because while I often work night shifts, we've never been apart entirely overnight).  It explains that she can come and see the new baby, that we love her very much, and that our family will have another person in it.

The other thing I took from that is getting Etta a present from 'the baby' to help her still feel loved when the newbie arrives and suddenly she isn't the center of attention any more.  While this isn't going to solve this issue, I thought it a nice idea.  Equally, we are letting Etta choose a present (within reason/budget) for her younger sibling to aid in her feeling excited, and part of its arrival.  We've also let her choose some new clothes for it for the same reason which she has really enjoyed.

And lastly, doing the book gave me an awesome idea - The Big Sister Box.  I've made up a box of a few little bits and pieces that Etta likes (marshmallows, bubble mix, balloons, butterfly stickers etc) that she can open with my Mum while we're at the hospital 'getting the baby out'.  It also has a 'big sister' T shirt in it (courtesy of T&T for $2) so she can feel like it's a special day and she's an important part of it.  This entire treat box has cost us under $8 and will help keep her entertained while we're out on important baby business.

While I know that none of this will truly prepare her for Hurricane New Baby, doing these things will make me feel, at least, like we're doing something to help with the transition.  Whilst simultaneously keeping me too busy to worry about the fact we haven't organised anything else...**

* I think we'll come to the big problem (finding a permanent room for the baby) when we need to.  For the first four or so months it'll be in our room anyway so there is still plenty of time.  And, if it's an amazing, good quiet, fantastic sleeper then maybe it can share a room with Etta and we won't have to worry.

** We kinda have organised other important things.  I have my PPL sorted, a budget done and we'll be applying for the in work tax credit soon.  So I've done the boringest things.  Just not the around-the-house things.  I have a list... I just need motivation/help/a new hip to help complete it.

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