Sunday 5 August 2012

A letter to the four legged occupants at 49a Kiwi Road

49a Kiwi Road
Pt Chevalier


Dear Huckle, Roux and Wellesley

I am sure you have noticed many changes to your environment over the past few weeks.  And I know change can be unsettling when you don’t understand why it is happening.  I am very sad to have to move you from your current environment, but Murray and I feel it is an important step forward in the lives of all of us.  I know that you are all very happy with things how they are, but I am sure you can adapt and grow to love your new home given time.

Roux, you have recently taken on the challenge of acquiring a new cat housemate for the first time and have handled this extremely well.  I am very proud of the respectful way you treat Huckle.  I was happily surprised to see you standing up to neighbourhood bullies (Sebastian) on his behalf.   You have grown much as a cat since his arrival and I’m sure, in time you two will become great friends, hopefully one day achieving cat-ball status.

Huckle, you left your family of eight after ten years to come and live with us and it was very scary for you.  In fact initially you moved in under the neighbour’s house, rather than live with us, but I don’t hold it against you.  Although it took some time, you have now become an important and fun part of our little family.  I am so glad to see you as a much more confident and slightly less play-bitey cat today.  And I know that you are with me on my plan for cat-balldom after seeing you lick Roux on the neck the other day.

Wellesley, I don’t think you have noticed much.  You only notice when I change your hay and clean up your poo and you dislike it immensely.  I am sure being oblivious will aid you in adjusting to this big move.  You did notice the loss of your son earlier this week, and we are very sorry.  Although I know this will present new challenges, I promise you will have a new friend to keep you company soon.  It’s not fair that you should be alone out there.  I am sorry you cannot live inside the house with the rest of us, but you are so hell bent on destroying every piece of electronics we own that Murray’s just not keen.

I know this big change will be very scary at first, especially the car journey in the cage, but it will get better.  You will have new grass to pee on, new trees to climb and new roofs to lounge on.  Roux and Huckle, you will also be getting your very own door which you can use whenever you like.  You will miss Jade and Kenan, but I’m sure you’ll have a new playmate or two at some point in the future. 

I wish we could explain this to you in a way you can understand, but we can’t.  We can just give you tasty food, lots of cuddles, and inoculations.

Lots of love,

from Hannah x