Tuesday 22 September 2015

Week 4 of the 30 Day Painting Challenge

Day 22: Sea slug emerges

Day 23: Standard Jelly

Day 24: Flowers Love Acid Rain

 Day 25: Flotsam and Jetsam

Day 26: In a Puff of Smoke

Day 27: Wallpaper for microbes

Day 28: Unusual School 

Day 29: Psychedelic Catfish

Day 30: Tiny Whale


Wednesday 16 September 2015

Week 3 of the 30 Day Painting Challenge

Day 15:  The Genie Appears (unintentional) collaboration with Etta

 Day 16: Happy Amoeba

 Day 17:Multicoloured bloodcells

Day 18: Mushroom Fantasy

Day 19: Dancing Crab

Day 20: Tangled Swan

Day 21: Confused Scorpio

In all honesty this week has felt a bit meh.  Last week was great, but I felt a bit stuck following the same path the whole time so tried something a bit different again this week.  Not super stoked with the results, but have still enjoyed playing with paint, making marks, and attempting to replicate marks. 

Mushroom fantasy
is probably my pick of the week.  The marks feel slightly less inhibited than other ones (which makes sense, as they were cos I was in a hurry) which makes me feel like upscaling will be on the agenda when I start a new painting project.  These works are around A5 - so pretty small.  I think they might be more interesting if I blew them way up to something like A1 - but then I'll have to find different tools to work with, which may also render interesting results.

I think I'll have to get my thinking cap on to go into week 4... 

Tuesday 15 September 2015

A catch up on health stuff

So when I last left you I was concussed and awaiting a specialist appointment.

Of course, you've all been hanging on the edge of your seats to hear where I'm at now (ha ha!) so here is the gripping* follow up.

It's now a few weeks on and I'm pretty much recovered from my concussion.  Let me tell you - head injuries suck!  I knew what concussion did cos Murray is a pro at receiving them.  But there's knowing what the symptoms are and actually experiencing them.  Quite different.  Apart from the obvious headache I was ridiculously tired for the first week - especially the first three days.  I definitely needed help with the kids as could not cope with loud noises AT ALL (which are almost impossible to avoid when you have a baby and a two year old).  Simple things requiring fine motor skills - like dressing the kids made/make me overly frustrated - I still breathe my way through every time so I don't get snappy. 

And most annoyingly, the concussion gave me insomnia.

Now I've kicked insomnia to the curb multiple times.  But with a brain injury which requires sleep to get better I have really struggled.  It felt like the deck hit the creativity knob in my brain on to high speed.  Cos I've had a BAZILLION creative ideas in the weeks following this injury.  It's crazy!  It's good in a way, but it's meant I struggle even more to shut down my brain so haven't been able to rest enough to recover quickly.  That's why (I think) 2 1/2 weeks later I'm still not totally recovered.  Plus it's not like I have ample sleep opportunities available with a baby who appears to also have insomnia.  So since the concussion I've actually been achieving less sleep than beforehand.  Sigh.  Stupid brain.  Get well soon.  Sleep is actually one of my favorite pastimes.

And now I have seen the endocrinologist about my thyroid thing.  After all the anxiety and tension the specialist visit was a bit of a pffffft.  I was literally only there for 15 minutes.  Which is good!  Cos it means nothing is seriously wrong.

In that 15 minutes he reviewed my bloods and felt up my throat, then chucked an ultrasound on it to check for nodules.  Nothing out of order.  The blood flow to that area is more than usual - but that's to be expected as the gland is not working as normal.

I totally used Dr Google wrong - I have an overactive thyroid - not underactive at all.  So this recent bout of anxiety - it could entirely be due to my thyroid!!!  Not a nut bar after all**!  So this is the kind of thyroid problem where you get anxious and lose weight (and hair) and get shaky hands.  Which sucks (bar the weight loss, not that I've noticed much), but are pretty live-with-able symptoms.

So what are they going to do about it?  Well, nothing.  It could be completely due to pregnancy hormones.  Pregnancy is not my friend!  It's a little too early to completely pin it down to this though, so I'm just having the thyroid function test done regularly (monthly) over the next four months to see if it calms down by itself as those crazy hormones dissipate.  The preferred medication for hyperactive thyroid is not ideal to take when breastfeeding, so best to wait and see if I really need it.

Which is great news, but also kinda sucks.  Doctors and specialists are always about finding the root cause - which is great - but as things stand I have no advice, no medicine, no nothing, to treat my symptoms.  The only one that's really bugging me is the one which brought me in to get checked out in the first place - extreme dizzy spells.  It bugs me cos I'm scared one of these days I'm going to drop Abby because I've fainted.  It's a genuine concern.  I had to really think after my concussion if I had slipped or had fainted (I've deducted from how I fell that it was definitely a slip, but did I slip because I was spaced out?  I'll never know).

And in the last week I've started having some new symptoms.  I have a slight tremor now.  It's not a big deal but is a little disconcerting - a bit like the hair loss.  It doesn't affect my daily life too much (I have broken a glass though) but it does make me feel a little unsteady, a little not my usual self.  I am hoping this doesn't mean that things are getting worse, and I'm sure if they are I'll know soon anyway.*** I did my first new blood test today.  I'm sure they'll call me if anything is trending upward.

So, on the whole, health things are kinda getting better.  Probably.  Well, my head definitely is.  And I don't have cancer (yay) which was my big secret fear.  What have I learnt from all this crazy stuff?

a) I am not designed for pregnancy
b) You should never assume you are mental.  You might actually just be regular ill.
c) I need to mould spray the path
d) Hanging out washing in the rain is stupid

* Not really

**Well, not this time anyway

*** Also, there's just a tiny chance that now I know about the tremor thing I think I have one. Murray did witness it, but I've also had a concussion and not much sleep and (on some days) too much caffeine and (on most days) sugar.

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Week 2 of the 30 Day Painting Challenge

So this second week is off to a better start because I've decided to scan all the images in rather than photographing them with a bad camera.  Duh!  Oh well, concussions are a great excuse for all bad decisions. 

So far, I'm really liking the direction this week seems to be taking and I'm no longer bored of this project.  In fact, I think maybe after this project I'll embark on another project called 70 drawings in 7 days - which is far more similar to my first year studying design at Unitec - which is a good place to revisit to revive the pretty dead practice that is my painting life.

This week is making me interested in paint again.  And especially watercolour.  Which is good cos (again) there is no other painting medium that is plausible for me to use at the moment. 

Day 8: Green Steam

Day 9: Hungry for Anemones

Day 10: America Fish

Day 11: Sneaky Jellyfish

Day 12: Wounded Whale
 Day 13: Lonely Catfish

Day 14: Thoughtful Angler

I'm feeling much more positive coming out of this week than I was the last!  The project has kinda started to go its own way, and I'm feeling more confident that I can follow that path rather than worry about having diverted from the initial idea as I am happy with the results. 

My favorite painting this week is probably America Fish.  I am just enjoying the play of colour and layers of paint, and how paint moves and changes and plays together depending on how wet or dry it is, and how paint is placed on paper.  This is all baby watercolour stuff but it's fun and new territory for me (despite majoring in Painting at Unitec I knitted my way through a lot of my degree).

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Week 1 of the 30 Day Painting Challenge

So I decided to take on the 30 Day Painting Challenge this month.  Because my last attempt at an art project did not go so well, I decided to simplify so that this time I would actually manage to get through the whole project and not go crazy - especially considering there's an extra kid in the mix these days.

Because I have little time and little personal space, any kind of big painting project is just not feasible (toddlers and oils?  Are you kidding me?)  So small-scale watercolours was the obvious medium of choice.  For me this is almost new territory.  I've never really explored watercolour and am very excited to explore them.  In terms of subject matter I needed something that was easily sourced and required no brain.  As Etta has just gotten the painting bug at Playcentre I thought hey, why not do that thing that's been done many times before, and replicate her drawings/paintings myself.

At the end of the project I'll post images of her paintings that I've used as inspiration for this project.

Day 1: Orange Bird

 Day 2: Bent Crochet Hook with Wool

Day 3: Green and Orange

Day 4: Serendipity

Day 5: Snake Invasion

Day 6: Orange laser worm
Day 7: Blue  Llama

Man!  This week went fast like most weeks these days.  I didn't find the challenge that hard - but I did find sitting with paintings I don't like hard.  When you are out of practice of making vast quantities of work regularly and knowing you'll probably only like a few of them, it's hard.  I had a great difficulty not to overwork things, as the subject matter was simple, and seemed like it was not enough.  Many of these appear overworked to me.  I do think Blue Llama is the pick of the bunch now, and a good starting point to go into week 2 with.