Monday 2 April 2012

On Week Four of the Hannah Made Diet

I was completely astonished by my weight loss for last week. The week was a little up and down, and I realised that actually, it’s quite hard to eat 5 plus a day. Nevertheless, above is what the Pt Chev Pharmacy scales told me this morning. It’s really weird because it means I’m EXACTLY half way to achieving my goal weight. My hope for last week was to get back into the 50 kilo range, which I thought I’d just manage based on how many kilojoules I ate this week. I didn’t expect to make it quite this far in!

I think there are three contributing factors which joined forces to show this big loss on the scales:

a) Eating five plus a day

b) Wearing clothes to weigh in that are probably lighter than what I wore last week

c) Shaving all my hair off for Shave For A Cure

I was lucky enough to see my most favourite customer at work last week, whom I haven’t seen in a long time. We had a chat about health, weight loss and the five plus a day thing. She said she had read somewhere that eating more fruit and vegetables helps boost your metabolism thus resulting in quicker weight loss. I can’t find anything online to back that up, but there is an obvious reason as to why eating more fruit and veg has contributed to my weight loss. Instead of treating myself with a chocolate easter egg (only 350 kilojoules but just fat and processed sugar) I have been eating an apple or a banana (roughly the same kilojoules, but zero fat and only natural sugars). So even though I still have been having sugary treats, I’ve had a lot less of them.

I also bought a gorgeous new playsuit from ASOS which I wore to weigh in because my normal dress was in the wash. I’ve been wearing a very light summer dress, but I think the playsuit is even lighter than the dress, which makes sense as there is a lot more material in the dress. This playsuit makes me feel sexy and happy. I will wear it a lot.

And as you saw in yesterdays post, Jade and I shaved our heads for Shave for a Cure on Saturday. On the day, someone made a comment on how getting rid of the hair would contribute to my weight loss. I was curious, so the next day (please don't think I'm weird), I weighed our bag of collective hair that hadn’t blown away in the wind or stuck to people. This bag weighed 140 grams. Jades hair was probably three times as long as mine, which means that my hair in that bag weighed around 35- 40 grams. So to be honest, I don’t really think that this hair cut really contributed to this week’s weight loss (but it was cool to mention it).

In all honesty though, the dress change maybe contributed 200 grams and the hair maybe 50 grams. So I am surprised that I've lost over a kilo by myself because I was a little naughty this week. I didn’t record absolutely everything I ate on Tuesday because I felt bad about it (it was lollies). And then I made my free ‘meal’ a free ‘afternoon and evening’ because of the Shave for a Cure thing. I had four glasses of wine over that time which is 1800 kilojoules in itself (a third of my daily kilojoule intake), plus dinner out, plus snacks. And even though I didn’t go too crazy on the snacks, this would have equated to an excess of kilojoules which would negate all the good work of one of my good days.

Even so, I'm now at the halfway point and I am really starting to see a difference in my body. I am proud to say I am (almost) back down to a DD cup from an F. Men, and busty ladies out there, please don't hate me for this. I love boobies, especially big jolly ones, and mine have always been sizeable, but not F cup big! It would have been ok had it been for a successful pregnancy, because big boobs are to be expected with pregnancy. But to have to buy a whole lot of new bras for no end result seemed really unfair. Just before I found out I was pregnant I had bought new bras that I hardly got to wear. Now I can (almost) fit them again, it feels like I just got them. And I can have more than three bras in my wardrobe rotation.

Today I am joining the gym. Now I’m feeling a little bit better about my body, I feel more confident about hopping on a treadmill. I am a bit of a stranger to gyms having only been during physio for my ankle. I have this weird fear of people seeing me exercising. I feel like then they’ll see how unfit I am, and judge me for it and I’ll feel bad about myself. The gym I am joining is open 24/7 so I can go in when almost no-one is there. It’s also just around the corner from work, so very easy for me to get to. I want to go because I know that building lean muscle helps speed up your metabolism, so long term a little exercise helps your body regulate it’s weight a little better. I think my body deserves that.

Monday 2nd April current weight: 59.3 kilos

Ultimate goal weight: 56.0 kilos

Weight loss so far: 3.3 kilos

Weight to go: 3.3 kilos

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