Wednesday 2 September 2015

Week 1 of the 30 Day Painting Challenge

So I decided to take on the 30 Day Painting Challenge this month.  Because my last attempt at an art project did not go so well, I decided to simplify so that this time I would actually manage to get through the whole project and not go crazy - especially considering there's an extra kid in the mix these days.

Because I have little time and little personal space, any kind of big painting project is just not feasible (toddlers and oils?  Are you kidding me?)  So small-scale watercolours was the obvious medium of choice.  For me this is almost new territory.  I've never really explored watercolour and am very excited to explore them.  In terms of subject matter I needed something that was easily sourced and required no brain.  As Etta has just gotten the painting bug at Playcentre I thought hey, why not do that thing that's been done many times before, and replicate her drawings/paintings myself.

At the end of the project I'll post images of her paintings that I've used as inspiration for this project.

Day 1: Orange Bird

 Day 2: Bent Crochet Hook with Wool

Day 3: Green and Orange

Day 4: Serendipity

Day 5: Snake Invasion

Day 6: Orange laser worm
Day 7: Blue  Llama

Man!  This week went fast like most weeks these days.  I didn't find the challenge that hard - but I did find sitting with paintings I don't like hard.  When you are out of practice of making vast quantities of work regularly and knowing you'll probably only like a few of them, it's hard.  I had a great difficulty not to overwork things, as the subject matter was simple, and seemed like it was not enough.  Many of these appear overworked to me.  I do think Blue Llama is the pick of the bunch now, and a good starting point to go into week 2 with.