Monday 26 March 2012

On Week Three of the Hannah Made Diet

This week I almost lost a whole kilo.

BUT I was extremely ill for the first half of the week, so I think that added to the weight loss a little. I had an allergic reaction to the dye from the scan I had on Monday which caused me to have extremely bad pelvic pain, swelling, itchiness and vomiting. I was off work until Friday, and spent most of the week in a crying, painful, messy stupor.

On Monday I hadn't started puking but I felt like balls so we got takeaways for dinner. That’s right. Bad old fish and chips. First chips I’ve eaten all diet. I still did my food math, and still accounted for them, but I tell you, illness makes dieting seem unfair and you really resent the diet. If it was an animal, and you didn't want to throw up and had more than an ounce of strength, you'd probably kill it and eat it alive.

Because how do you account for vomiting in a kilojoule counting diet? Obviously this will result in some negative kilojoules as some things are coming out before they are properly in, but how much? I decided not to take it into account at all and attempt to stick to my diet as best I could. On Tuesday and Wednesday I was so ill during the daytime I couldn’t keep down even water - in retrospect, I possibly should have gone to hospital, or at least got some anti-emetics. It’s amazing how your brain stops working when it has no fuel to run it…

So due to lack of brain, even though I accounted for everything, this week’s spreadsheet definitely is not reflective of a healthy diet. There are big gaps of nothing from where the idea of eating made me want to hurl. There are patches where I felt I could eat ok, so wanted to eat everything in the house. There are sweet high energy drinks that I wouldn’t normally have in an attempt to get my food intake above the starvation zone. There are days where my intake is below the starvation zone. Basically, the start of this week was a food disaster.

On Thursday I thought I might be well enough to go to work. Then I threw up my herbal tea. Then I went to sleep. I slept most of Thursday, and in the patches where I drowsily emerged I ate small things. By Thursday night, I felt much better, and apart from the glitch in the morning, my food intake returned to the close-to-normal zone.

I noticed that I really do need to work a little harder to ensure not only my diet is within caloric requirements, but also that I’m not just ‘saving’ kilojoule space for things like wine and Chupa Chups and little Easter eggs. I think this would be totally fine if I were not foregoing my 5+ a day to do so, but sometimes it’s a bit like ‘well, you could have a banana OR you could have a little Easter egg…’ It’s especially important with being gluten free because it’s easy to miss out on fibre and vitamins – Us GFers are supposed to eat 7+ a day. So this is what I’ll be working on in the future. I’ll put a new column thingee in my anal Excel food math spreadsheet. This will help. I like my homework to be pristine.

I also watched a lot of daytime TV during my time of illness. TV told me to take the Symbio challenge. My addled brain thought ‘Hey, why not?’, so I’m doing that. Given that I have IBS anything that might help my digestive system to do its job properly is worth trying. Plus, it’s one less snack to have to plan out to take to work in the morning, so that’s great. I’ll let you know if I think it does anything. So far, all I’ve noticed is that it is one of the few yoghurts that are gluten free, so that’s a bonus.

And just a quick PSA outro for this blog – throwing up food will make you lose weight. But it is not healthy. It will destroy your stomach, rot your teeth, give you bad skin and hair and stop your brain from functioning. You will smell like vomit no matter how many mints you chew. Don’t do it on purpose! Lose weight through diet and exercise. It does work. See! I am showing you how it works. Be sensible.

Monday 26th March current weight: 60.6 kilos
Ultimate goal weight: 56.0 kilos
Weight loss so far: 2.0 kilos
Weight to go: 4.6 kilos

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