Monday 11 July 2011

On getting sick and taking time off work

I hate calling in sick to work. When I worked for bigger companies in the past it wasn’t such a big deal – someone could replace you. But my last two jobs have been for smaller, family businesses (which I prefer) and it usually puts pressure on somewhere if you’re not at work. I know that before I call in sick I need to call all our part time staff (there are two) and check if they can work.Often if they can’t, I will just go into work. And strangely, half the time once I get there I’m ok.

I really struggle to know the difference between take-a-panadol-and-toughen-up sick and you-might-infect-millions-of-people-with-heinous-disease sick. It’s especially important that I know these things because I work directly with food all day. I know that if my skin starts aching, I shouldn’t be at work, but up until that point I find it really hard to tell. Do I think I’m sick because I’m tired? Am I hung over? Is it just because it’s raining? Do I actually just not feel like going to work today? Am I actually sick?

I’m not an idiot. I understand basic first aid and medicine. I know how to check my temperature and glands, and I usually know when I need to see a doctor. But I also have a body that doesn’t act like ‘normal’ bodies do. I suffer from IBS, which can cause severe pain, cramping and often leaves me in a constant state of too much poo, or no poo. I find I need to sleep more than some people (at least eight hours a night), otherwise I get run down and my brain stops functioning. I have these funny glands in my throat that puff up like a frog when I get just the hint of a bug. I also start coughing up blood just if I’ve been coughing a lot. I generally bruise/bleed/scar/rash more easily than most. I also have something wrong with my Eustachian tubes so I have constant post nasal drip and if I vomit it comes out of my mouth and nose (not really a problem, just something to add to the increasing weird and gross list of Hannah). And I could go on (this is a really fun list, I don’t care if I sound like a whiny, hypochondriac bitch!) Although none of these are major, it can make diagnosing a genuine ‘sick’ day a bit tricky.

So today I didn’t go to work. I validated my sick day by having my husband say ‘You look like shit’ this morning and the fact that I knew our part time staff member could cover me. I felt pretty bad about it because I had just had a four day holiday weekend. It doesn’t matter. I now know (at just after finishing time) that I did need today off. I do have a temperature, and an unattractive, hacking cough. All I managed today was catching up on New Zealand’s Next Top Model, and a little online political banter. I did fold some washing, but needed a nap afterwards.Not sick enough to require a trip to the doctors, but definitely not well enough to be at work.

I really hope I'm not feeling sick again tomorrow. And I really hope it isn’t raining…

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