Sunday 17 June 2018

Start of the Ration Challenge

I am not going to post every day - probably just today and at the end.  And these posts will be short.  Because this challenge is tough.

Unfortunately I have not gone into this challenge strong: I am sick.  Flu sick - again.  Coughing up gross stuff - again.  Sigh.  Regardless, I will persevere unless advised otherwise.  I desperately want some lemon.  I usually use food/drink not just as a crutch, but also as genuine medicine.  If I were not doing the challenge I would be starting the day with lemon in warm water and having a hot curry for dinner followed by a hot toddy.  That'll cure what ails ya!  If you can get it...

Murray has assured me that cough medicine is not cheating.  So I did buy some today and felt massive guilt because it is like a 'food' because it contains calories and sugar and usually I quite like it.  Thankfully, the medicine recommended by the pharmacist is the most disgusting medicine I have ever swallowed in my life* so I feel much less guilty now.

Besides that, yesterday was ok.  I felt ok.  The hardest part of the day was coming home after work, seeing the balls of energy that are our children, and having to cook a meal amongst all of it having just worked all day.  The actual work day was fine.

The grossest meal I've had so far - sweet rice pudding with nuts

And the food was mostly fine.  I have learned though that I do not like sweet rice porridge.  I should have known as I have always hated rice pudding.  So here on in I will be making a savory congee for breakfast instead.  My gluten free roti does not keep well.  Not really at all.  So it tastes ok but is a little like eating a tire.  But it does fill me up.

The winning meal - bean stew

My dinner was definitely the winner in the flavor category.  I made a kind of refried bean stew using all my beans, some finely diced carrot, minced tofu and water.  I have rationed it out so it can last for three dinners with a little extra to have with roti for lunch.  AND I decided to use make a bigger batch of my peanut butter cookies so I have enough to have TWO small cookies a day.  I am so glad that I did.  I had one on my afternoon tea break, and another after dinner, so I feel like I have a dessert.
Bath string treat   

Last night I was pretty tired so I basically just watched crappy TV after eating my dinner.  I made myself a cup of tea using about 1/8 teaspoon of tea leaves from the bag and a little sugar and milk.  It actually tasted a little like tea and made me feel quite happy.  The nice thing I did for myself to feel better was paint my nails.  Tonight I plan on having a bath.

Today was harder.  After a full day at work on rations combined with being not so well I have a headache, am light headed, freezing and very tired.  Aside from that, I am craving... anything!  Mostly carbs that are not rice.  When I took Etta's lunch box out of her school bag I had to stop myself from eating her leftover crackers.  Partly autopilot of 'don't waste food!' and partly desperation.  Just for something outside of the monotony of this diet.  And it's only been two days!

It's tough.  It is hard for me to imagine this being someone's diet all the time.  No fresh vegetables.  I swear, when this challenge is over I am going to appreciate them so much more.  As a former vegetarian, my diet is still quite high in vegetables, but I tend to cram them all in in my last meal.  Right now I just want a whole raw carrot so bad.  Something fresh and crunchy and not oily or salty or ricey.

Someone asked if I was going to weigh myself before and after.  I wasn't but figured - yeah, why not.  I weighed myself a day in as didn't have time yesterday, but figure it's still a good measure.  I'll let you know if there's any difference at the end of the challenge.

Doing this challenge is a very good reminder of how easy my life is compared to some.  I think we all need a serious reminder like this every now and again to help us appreciate what we have.  And to better understand those who do not have things so easy.  Doing this challenge reminds me why I am doing this challenge and helps me have more empathy for those I am doing it for.

There is still time to donate if you would like to - just click the link here.

* Besides charcoal.  PSA - don't OD kids!  Charcoal tastes really bad!  So bad, I had to take mine via a naso-gastro tube.  Better living everyone.

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