Wednesday 26 August 2015

Life List

The other day I realised I have a list of things I want to achieve in my life.  It's just in my head though.  So thought it might be a good idea to record it somewhere.  And hey!  Why not record it somewhere others can see it in case they can help me achieve my dreams!

So far I have actually achieved a few of the things I had on an earlier 'head list'.  I have bought my own home!  Epic thing I've wanted to do since I was a kid.  And I own a matching jug and toaster THAT I LIKE.  Sounds crazy, but it's one of those things.

Anyway.  Here is my list. (I plan to add to this as I think of more things):

1) Be a zombie that gets killed in a zombie movie/tv show
2) Renovate/paint my own home
3) Live in a house that has a (working) gallery in it
4) Start my own business
5) Record a (good/coherent/not crap) EP of my own music
6) Travel to/through Italy and Greece
7) Drive a bulldozer
8) Have an art exhibition (like, a real proper grown up one not at Unitec)
9) Have a treasure chest full of real money
10) Have a rose garden grown from cuttings
11) Have my own dress-ups wardrobe
12) Write a cookbook
13) Shoot a clay pigeon
14) Stealth plant vegetables in useful/public places (like roadsides)
15) Have chickens
16) Write a (good) book
17) Publish a (good) book
18) Smash a wall with one of those giant hammer things
19) Ride in a monster truck
21) Pat a cheetah
22) Visit the Amazon and spot some wildlife
23) Compete in a Karaoke competition for money
24) Teach my kids where food comes from
25) Be a fun/embarrassing parent

If you think of anything I should add to this list let me know.  I'm sure there's plenty of important stuff missing!

My sexy jug/toaster combo.  Oh yeah!

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