Monday 17 November 2014

On being a 'working' Mum right now

This last month I've had to suck it up and work more than usual.  First my boss went away on holiday, then one of our other staff got a temporary job which needed her shifts filled for the next six weeks.  And then a colleague had a family tragedy.  So I've worked every weekend day (until last Saturday) for the last month.

I'm not complaining.  It was hard cos we didn't get very much family time, but it was good.  I wouldn't want to do it all the time, and it really helps me appreciate the  Mummies who work full time (even though I wasn't even working close to full time!)

We are in the lucky position that if I really didn't want to work, I kinda wouldn't have to.  We could financially survive.  It would be tough, we'd have a lot less flexibility and savings and more stress, but it is feasible.  The main reason I do work (besides bonus $ and free movies) is because working keeps me sane. 

Work gives me a break from being at home and being 'Mum' and helps me maintain my independence.  I am lucky in that I have the perfect job for me right now.  Sure, the pay is not great, but because of where we're at financially that's ok.  I currently have no brain and have other priorities, so for me what people consider a 'career' type job is not ideal right now.  I love having a simple job doing something I enjoy working for someone I like and respect.  I love working where I get to talk to a wide array of people.  I love working part time.  I think working full time would do the opposite of keeping me sane. 

Me working is good for Etta too.  She's very much a Mummy's girl, so it's really important that she has time away from me so she knows (and we know) she can cope without me.  We are in the lucky position where we don't have to pay for childcare.  I usually work nights and weekends so Murray looks after her and during the transition period between me leaving and Murray arriving home either my Mum or Murray's mum looks after her.  It means Etta has good bonding time with her Dad and her Grandparents.

I usually only work about 11 or 12 hours a week.  I am actually only rostered for 6 (Sunday's) but pick up an extra shift most weeks.  This last month though I've worked 3 - 4 shifts (18 to 24 hours) a week.  This was harder for everyone.  This was mostly due to being rostered three days in a row (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) which made Etta pretty upset.  For a while every time anyone came over, or if Murray was home at a different time to usual, she'd scream the house down because she thought I was leaving her at home with them.  Not fun.  And it initially affected her sleep (cos she was trying to catch up on Mummy time) which was even less fun.  But the pro of having done this is now she's kinda ok with it.

And me working means (hopefully) that she won't grow up thinking that Daddy's go to work while Mummy's stay home and look after the house... I really hope she doesn't.  We follow the 'traditional' way of doing things because Murray earns more than me and it would be illogical not to.  We would not have the same flexibility as a family if we reversed the situation.  Not at this point in time anyway.

The other pro with working so much recently is that the sucky end of the first trimester went really fast.  Despite having pregnancy hives, morning sickness and being a regular Mum-of-a-not-sleeping-through-much small person I had to hold things together and smile and be happy at work, which helped me actually feel better.  And in all honesty anything that makes pregnancy go faster is a pro in my book.  I hate being pregnant.  It's just a means to an end.  Only 5 months to go (or less if this one is as impatient as Etta was).

And the final pro is that it's upped my average hours for PPL.  So that's awesome.  Getting paid slightly more to be a Mum is always good.  Mum's work their arses off.  Everyone should give them money.

I have the utmost admiration for those Mummies that have to (or want to) work full time.  I'm sure I could do it if I absolutely had to, but I really, really, really would prefer not to.  Sure, we did some planning, but plans are just that - plans.  They don't always work out (I have a pretty big baby bump that can attest to that) and you've just gotta keep on trucking no matter what.  I love my job, but I also love spending so much time with Etta.  I am so grateful I get to do both as I choose.

And I'm grateful that (hopefully) the work insanity is starting to die down - so maybe I can spend some time with Murray too.

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